Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day Gifts: Alternatives to the Usual Floral Gifts

Mother's Day is celebrated to pay tribute the role of a mother in our lives. Mother's Day is perhaps a universal celebration because everyone celebrates Mother's Day. Giving Mothers Day gifts is a way of expressing our love and appreciation for what our mom did for us.

Flowers are the most common gifts that people buy for their mothers. This is because flowers are supposed to say everything. Most people would get flowers for their moms because of their obvious choice. All mothers would feel happy when they receive flowers from their children. However, they would feel sad then they have to throw the flowers out once they withered. The knowledge of throwing away the flowers that their children gave them makes the act hard. This is the reason why many people search for an alternative to flowers as Mothers Day gifts.

When it comes to alternatives for flowers, there aren't many things that can replace them except for fake flowers, which look like cheap gifts although they are not. Mother's Day gift baskets are a great alternative to flowers. There are many gift baskets that are available in the market and come in many different themes. There are various stores that sell gift baskets and online retailers who will deliver your gift basket to your mom's doorstep. The choice of gift baskets is infinite and choosing a basket that your mom will like and fits your budget should be very easy.

Mother's Day gift basket should be bought in in accordance to the things that mom likes to do. We know that she like to cook because she prepares all meals for us all these years. Also, we know that she likes to clean because she kept the house spotless for us. Furthermore, she likes to try new foods because she always wants her family to have new experiences and made sure we eat something that is healthy. You can use these facts to choose the right gift for her. Hence, the gift basket that you buy should tell her how your love and appreciate her.

It is a good choice to buy food related gift baskets. They come in various selection, but fruit baskets are the best because fruit is a natural gift. It is similar to flowers, but they don't have to be thrown away, and your mom can enjoy them. For an added beauty, you can choose fruit bouquets, which come in awesome presentation and come with memorable keepsake containers. Your mom can have a souvenir of the gift after she consumed the contents.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Made me cry!

Today Des grabbed Ben's leg as Ben was walking and Ben fell onto his face.

I know stuff like this is going to happen with kids but it still surprises me. Usually Benjamin is the one hitting. It's quite rare to see Des hurt Ben.

I started crying a bit when I was watching Matt talk to Des about what he did. He was firm that hurting Benjamin was not okay, but was also very loving towards Des. He told Des he knows he's a sweet kid and that he will continue to be great big brother. It was just the perfect mix of firm but loving. Made me cry.

I feel very lucky that I have such an awesome partner. He's quite attractive as well.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

House Stuff

Even though we are renting an apartment now, I am constantly making plans in my head for our future house.

What the kids' rooms will look like, if we can put up a cat fence, all the tiny details.

I promised Des we would adopt a dog when we got a house, so I am also daydreaming about our future dog. Will our dog be a shepherd mix, a pit bull mix? All I know is that we are not adopting a small dog. No chihuahuas!

Having a dog in the house will make me feel safer but we will need a good security system as well. ADT security looks really good.

When we get our future home, we are definitely going to protect it!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Open Mic night!

I was just picked to perform at Helium Comedy Club this Tuesday, April 24 at 8pm. $5 cover and two drink minimum.

Anyone local free to come see me?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This picture makes me so happy. I love when Des asks to hold Ben's hand. Benjamin loves it. It's just so sweet and makes me go all sappy.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cat Videos

These are the cat videos I made this week.

Benjamin and Des are in this one:

Dr. C tube feeding a baby kitten who's mother died and refuses a bottle

Dot gets her Gunther

Thursday, March 22, 2012



Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

I swear my sister thinks that she is everyone’s Cable TV Advisor. She was getting onto my parents and I the last time that we saw her about not paying attention to our monthly over head bills. She suggested that we look into getting a better plan. Honestly, I have been meaning to do it recently, but things have been so busy at work, that I just haven’t had time. When I do get a break, it never really crosses my mind that I need to be thinking about things to do around the house. She took the reigns and told me that she was going to set me up with the same television package that she had, that I just needed to be at home when she made the appointment to come have it installed. She made an appointment and I made sure that I was home. It took less than two hours to get everything put together—I was shocked, I thought that it would take a lot longer. Luckily, everything went smoothly and she actually ended up saving me thirty dollars a month. As much as I hate to admit it, she was right, I may start listening to her more often.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2012 Spring Pictures

We had the kids get photographed by Right Hand Photography:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sansa dream

I had a dream that Petyr's plan with Sansa is to wait until the Lannister empire crumbles, then reveal that he has Sansa and raise her up as a Queen.

Spoilers for a Dance with Dragons:

I started the 5th book. I am really enjoying it so far. I love how Tyrion is going to help Daenerys. I'd love to see Cersei's face when she sees that shit.

Victorian is going for Daenerys. Quetyn (however his name is spelled) is going for Daenrys.

I think Illyrio has good intentions with Daenerys. I just have a good feeling about him.

I love Jon Snow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Storing my makeup away from my clumsy husband

Guest post written by Michelle Hunt

I can't even think of the number of blush compacts and things like that that my husband's accidently knocked into the toilet or broken because I left them on the counter. He doesn't mean to do that. It's just that he's so clumsy that it kind of happens as a result. So I decided to come up with a nice makeup storage system away from the bathroom sink counter so that my husband won't be accidently ruining any more expensive makeup.

I know I'm not the only one with makeup storage problems, so I looked online to see what I could find and saw some info on Sears Remodeling. We're also thinking about remodeling our kitchen, so I decided to go with them for that.

I also found some good storage solutions for our bathroom cabinets. I think that if I have a good place to put all of my makeup I'll be more likely to do that and keep it away from my husband's clumsy limbs. Now my makeup purchases will be longer lasting investments.

ASOFAI: A Feast for Crows

I finished A Feast for Crows. I did enjoy most of it.

Things I didn't enjoy:

Ironmen family squabbles. I do like Asha but that's about it. The rest of them just seem power hungry. The only interesting thing about them is that Victorian is going to look for Daenerys.

The Dornish stuff. I kind of like Arianne and I am interested in whatever her father has planned for her but otherwise it's just too many new characters to keep track of.

Things I missed:


Catelyn. She was in one small part but it wasn't enough.




Things I really enjoyed:

Jamie and Cersei. Even though Cersei is a horrible human being, I am enjoying her life falling apart around her. Jamie seems to be a stand up dude.

Brienne's story is very interesting. I do hope she's okay. The part where Biter was biting her face was pretty gross.

Sam's interesting too. I like how he talked with Arya. I wish she had asked him about Jon, or said something to Daeron, since Daeron said "Lord Snow." I know Snow is a bastard name but I have not heard of any other Snows. Arya knows that Jon is on the wall. She's smart. I assume she would at least wonder if Lord Snow is Jon Snow.

I love how Arya killed Daeron but she is another one I am worried about. I am hoping her blindness is temporary.

Friday, February 10, 2012

More ASOFAI ranting: beg of Feast of Crows

I know there are a million characters but can the first 3 chapters (including the prologue) not be featuring fuckers that we don't really know? It's quite hard to get into this one.

The next chapter better include one of these characters:

That is all I will find acceptable. Good day sir.

ASOFAI: Storm of Swords rant

So happy that Arya is alive. I'm weirdly sad about the Hound probably being dead, but knowing these books, he's probably not dead.

Like Catelyn. WTF is she?

I almost felt sorry for Lysa. She loved the man who loved her sister but had to marry an old dude. She fucking kills the old dude in hopes that she will be with Petyr. She finally gets him and he doesn't give a shit. He just fucking pushes her out the window.

As boring as Sansa is, I hope Petyr keeps his gross hands off of her.

Is Theon fucking dead? No one has reported his death and Jessy, you said Theon bores you, so I assume he's alive. ugh...

Good for fucking Stannis for helping out the Wall. He's got some weird religious views but he's got honor. Same goes for Davos, who's got the most honor now that Ned is dead. Fucking Lannisters do not give a shit about the Wall at all. Too busy with their own bullshit.

Go Tyrion! I'm fucking proud of you! and Jamie too. In the first two books, Jamie seems like such an asshole. Then they show his perspective and you can't help but like him. I want to see more views from the people that I think are assholes. I'd suggest Tywin but too late.

I guess Theon counts. They showed his side and he still looked like a douche. Actually he seemed like a stand up dude until we saw inside his mind. Then we realized he's an asshole.

I really thought Bran and Jon were going to meet again. We see Bran meet up with Sam and then we see that Sam is with Jon. I assumed Bran was there but no. I am interested in where Bran's story goes but I totally forget about him when it's not his chapter.

Same with Daenerys but I do enjoy her chapters. She means well and she's got heart and she's fierce. I was so surprised about Jorah but I do think she should have killed him. Asshole. Selmy surprised me too but I was happy. The other characters kept bringing him up, so it shouldn't have surprised me but it did.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today Matt and I went to the Shoprite parking lot so he could teach me how to drive stick.

We found this guy instead:

I called my friends at Tabby's Place and they found the number for the Schuylkill Center Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.

They took him and will try to do what they can for his wing. If he makes it, they will try to re release him. We have a number to call in a few days to check on him.

If anyone can donate to them, I'd be very appreciative. If you shop at Shoprite, you can send them your receipts and they get a percentage of it!

Their wish list is paper towels, latex gloves, syringes and needles, laundry detergent, trash bags, hospital blankets, facial tissues, newspaper

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guest Post

Guest post written by Rolf Tate

My sister recently graduated from college and moved in to a house with two roommates. My sister and both of her roommates are just starting out in their careers and cannot afford to spend any extra money right now. She was telling me that one of her roommates did not want to get cable because it was too expensive. My sister however, really still wanted to have cable and she was not sure what to do. I told her to google “direct tv package” to look at all of the packages available and maybe she and her roommates could find one they could agree on. She said that he would try it. I told her that this is probably only one of the few problems that were going to arise with a roommate, but that it was always better to talk about any conflicts than to just let them go. I also told her that if she had to give up something in order to save money, that tv might be something she might not miss too much. I am glad that she is having the experience of living with someone else, as well as learning to budget her money.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We have been buying bags of already popped plain popcorn. I then add nutritional yeast and eat half a bag in one sitting. A few hours later I sit down again. Rinse and repeat. (I don't actually rinse the popcorn but I do finish the bag.)

Yesterday we bought popcorn kernels. I've never made popcorn before so I looked it up online and it was fairly easy. Put oil in pan, get it hot, throw kernels in, cover, shake until they stop popping, take it off the burner.

Then I added salt, nutritional yeast, and garlic. OMG this is the best food ever.

This post sounds like a paid post but it's not. Unless the popcorn took over my brain, which is highly likely.