Monday, December 19, 2011

Creepy John Hodgman dream

I had a dream that I and some other people my age were being held captive by John Hodgman, who was a crazy old mathematician monster type creature. He had wrinkles on his face, no mustache, but his eyes were the creepiest. He had two eyelids. A normal one on the outside. His inner eyelid was made up of sharp teeth so when he closed his inner eyelid it looked like a mouth of tiny sharp teeth closing.

All of us who were being held captive were students, I think. John was pouring some type of weird mixture that burned on my hands, laughing manically. It was tortue but I dealt with it.

Until Ike walked into the room. Ike is a very sweet special needs cat at Tabby's Place. John Hodgman went after Ike. All of the students freaked out and convinced John Hodgman to let Ike go.

I think convinced John to teach me some difficult math. This softened him and he seemed like a happy monster. Then I woke up.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Awesome sleep!

Benjamin slept awesome last night! Not through the night, that would be crazy. He only woke up 3 or 4 times, which is amazing for him and this week we have been having.

We are still a bit sick but slowly getting better and this sleep has been a huge help. Maybe we can do this every night! A girl can dream.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

giving birth in Target!

I had a dream that I was 9 months pregnant in Target. It was Black Friday. My water had broken. I went to their medical area and they told me to wait. So I walked around the store making a total mess. Water leaking everywhere. My sister was with me and she was shopping as we walked around.

Anyone who interprets dreams want to have a go at this?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's the Hawk Eye


I hate being sick. With kids, there is just no actually resting and the house just looks worse and worse.

Kids are sick too but they still have tons of energy. We went outside for a while so they got to run around. Matt is hopefully taking them out shopping after dinner so I can have some time to rest without screaming kids. Matt is sick too but seems to be getting better.

I just want to crawl into a hole and sleep for a day.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Benjamin update

He turned a year old on November 1st!

A few weeks before his birthday he started walking. He rarely crawls anymore, except when climbing.

He says a few words: mama, dada, hi, and yeah

He nods his heads yes and no but I'm not sure if he entirely understands what he is agreeing to.

His sleeping is somewhat better. Not great but better.

Des and Ben play together a lot. They are starting to fight over toys too.




Posted by Arden Wallace

I logged onto and upgraded our television package. I decided that we needed to upgrade our package after my grandparents ( who are eighty) came to visit and mentioned that we were really behind on technology and the times. My Grandpa just couldn’t believe that we had flat screen televisions and no HD service. He went on and on about how much they enjoyed theirs. He showed me all of the interesting things that our televisions would do. I was surprised that he knew how to work all of the electronics. He took his jump drive and plugged it into our television. Immediately, with the touch of a few buttons, the television started a slide show of all of the pictures that he had on his memory card. I have to say that I was a bit embarrassed that my grandparents were so tech saavy. I have yet to acquire the techy skills that I need I guess. A week after they left, I got “Computers for Dummies” in the mail, compliments of my grandparents. I am going to learn about these things before their next visit, that’s for sure!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to work...

Thanks to Jonathon Woods

When I decided to go back to work I was really worried about what it was going to mean for the kids. Sure they were old enough to stay at home alone but the last thing I wanted was them getting into mischief in that hour it took for me to get home after they got off the bus. I found a Cable TV advisor and looked into packages and finally got them the TV they’d been asking for. I know it sounds like terrible mothering but I feel better knowing that at least they’re in the living room watching TV rather than out roaming the neighborhood when I have no idea where they are! They’re great kids but I know the slightest bit of leniency and they’re liable to go wild so I’m trying to manage that kind of behavior now so it doesn’t get out of control later. I may be a controlling mom but it’s only because I want my kids to grow up to be really stand up adults.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Des got stung for the first time on Sunday. We think it was a wasp. He was on the playground. Matt was saying how nicely he is playing by himself when Des let out this high pitched shriek. Matt ran over and scooped Des up. He was still crying uncontrollably. We saw a mark on his hand. Put some ice on it.

A few minutes later he calmed down and we talked a lot about wasps, bees, etcs. We were walking back to the car when I saw another mark and raised red spot on his elbow. Poor guy.

He was fine by the next day.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I miss riding my bike.

I have been very lazy since I've been pregnant with Des. I have always some excuse as to not exercise. I'm pregnant, I'm sleep deprived, I'm pregnant again, I'm even more sleep deprived. Then the worst excuse: "I deserve this time to watch tv/play the Sims3/surf the web/etc."

Not that I don't deserve to relax and do these things, just that I do do them, a lot. Everyday I tell myself, I'll go outside tomorrow. I'll ride my bike tomorrow. I'll take a walk tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Right now my bike is at our old place. I think Matt might be getting it tomorrow. (tomorrow! haha). But at least my bike will be here. We will have two bicycles locked up outside our apartment.

We have a bike seat for Des on Matt's bike but Benjamin needs to be at least a year old to use a seat like that. I hope next Spring that Matt and I can each take a child and ride bikes as a family together.

Friday, June 17, 2011

LOST: White Rabbit and House of the Rising Sun

Disclaimer: I watched these episodes a few weeks ago so they are not super fresh in my mind.

White Rabbit: Jack sees his dead dad walking around on the island as if he wasn't dead. We find out that Jack's dad died in Australia. Jack had his father's dead body in the coffin on the plane. He finds some wreckage from the plane and his dad's empty coffin.

We see Jack's dad telling Jack not to be brave because Jack doesn't have what it takes. Stuff like this always makes me angry. Stop putting your kids down, crappy parents!

Jack also finds the fresh water in the caves! Yay water!

House of the Rising Sun: When I first started watching LOST, I hated Jin. Thought he was the biggest asshole, and never thought I'd change my mind. But of course there is always a back story.

We see a speeded up version of Sun and Jin's relationship and how Jin changes. Sun goes from wanting to run away with Jin to wanting to run away from him. She comes very close to leaving him but changes her mind right before getting on Flight815.

On the island, Jin beats the shit out of Michael for wearing a watch that Jin was supposed to be bringing to a client of Sun's father. Of course, no one can understand Jin so they have no clue why Jin tried to kill Michael.

Sun talks to Michael in English! Sun speaks English! but shhhh, Jin doesn't know.

Charlie finds his guitar and Locke tells Charlie he knows about his heroin addiction, setting up the next episode.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Harry Potter Bridal Shower!

Some pictures from my sister's Surprise Harry Potter Bridal Shower.


House Tables. From R-L: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and all the way in the back, Slytherin.

My sister, blindfolded, wearing huge heels! She did a lot of stumbling.


Being sorted! You can see my Aunt Betsy's amazing Sorting Hat cake in the background!


Better picture of the hat plus House Cupcakes!


Bridesmaid Katy made this! Superimposed the Harry Potter baby! haha


Bridesmaid Mandy made the awesome hat that Melissa is wearing, although you can't really see it.

Thanks to Sam for taking all these pics. I did not take any because I was too busy being a basketcase.

Bad Day

I was driving on the New Jersey Turnpike when my car started making a rattling noise and was losing acceleration. I pulled over, and my oil light went on. Bad.

Thankfully we have AAA, so I call them and they put me through to another tow company since AAA is not allowed on the turnpike. They come and get me, and I couldn't get Des's car seat out of my car. Ben's is easy since its an infant seat but Des has the big convertible seat. Both kids were crying on the side of the turnpike while trucks are flying past us. I didn't want to spend the usual 20 minutes it takes me to mess around with that car seat while Des was standing on the side of the fucking turnpike. So he went into the backseat of the tow truck without a car seat. Thankfully it had a backseat row. Ben was in his infant seat so that was fine.

We get to the tow place in Bordentown, I text my dad the address and he leaves pick us up. Then I have to call AAA to get my car from this tow place. Then my phone dies. At least it waited until I had talked to my dad and AAA.

After 45 minutes my dad gets there. We get Des's car seat into his car, and some of my stuff from my car. AAA gets there soon after and we make plans for them to take my car to an auto place near our apartment. AAA recommended them. I know nothing since we just moved here. I almost didn't even write down where my car was going. I just said "ok that place sounds fine." Guy was about to leave when my dad asks "Did you get the address?" oh. yeah that would probably help.

When we get home, I get in touch with the auto place, and the car needs a new engine....My car is worth about $3600. Anything more than that really isn't worth fixing it. The shop is looking into prices for me.

Thankfully Kane knows a ton about cars, and knows people that know even more. So he is calling around for me to see about prices of engines and if anyone can do labor for it.

I'm so thankful for family!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

LOST: Tabula Rasa and Walkabout

Tabula Rasa:

Kate-centric. We see how Kate is caught in Australia. She could have gotten away but she stayed to help the farmer who turned her in. Why did she do this nice thing? To show us that she has changed from whatever horrible person she was. Whatever horrible person she was that got her to be wanted by a federal agent. What did Kate do?!

Of course we know now that she killed her biological father, once she found out that she was a blood relative to the man that beats the shit out of her mother. "You can't help who you love." Bullshit. That's abuse talking right there.


Oh how I love the Locke-centric. I love how these early episodes show Locke in such a mysterious light. When I first watched it, I was convinced he was evil. Locke is just a poor guy who had a shitty life and that life seems to finally be turning around on this weird fucking island.


I also love when the early episodes end with the music that Hurley is listening to on his discman. Such hopeful endings.

I love how Rose has faith that her husband is alive.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

LOST rewatch, Pilot I and II

These first episodes bring me back to a time where I didn't hate Kate. She actually seems like quite a badass.

And Claire seems so innocent. If only they knew what was to come.


We have been meeting the neighbors in our complex. Tonight one of them taught Des how to play hockey and Des was a natural! He was even using an adult stick. We need to get this kid some hockey equipment for his size!

We are really enjoying South Jersey, way more than I ever expected.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

John Corbett: Dead-Beat Dad?

John Corbett: Dead-Beat Dad?

Content by Kyle Lowe

When I watched Northern Exposure in the early nineties on tv from, I couldn't wait for John Corbett's character, DJ Chris Stevens, to be in a scene. Corbett's portrayal of the intriguing DJ was enjoyable beyond the handsomeness the actor brought to my screen.

I enjoyed Corbett's performance in the 2002 big-screen hit, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, even more. Corbett played Ian Miller in the romantic comedy and made more than just his on-screen love interest fall for him.

During the past three weeks, John Corbett demonstrated his acting talent on NBC's family drama, Parenthood. Corbett's character, Seth, first appeared on Tuesday, February 8th, in an epi! sode entitled “Just Go Home.” In this and the following two episodes, Seth successfully reestablished a relationship with his son, Drew, but failed to convince his daughter, Amber, to forgive his failures as a father. It proved difficult to watch my satellite television as Seth failed to earn even an acknowledgement of his existence from Amber.

While Seth defines the term “dead-beat dad,” having neglected his now teenage children for more than a decade, Corbett portrayed him as a sympathetic, misunderstood gentleman. Corbett's acting prowess made Seth a likeable, even respectable character I am excited to see reunite with his daughter. I eagerly await Corbett's return to NBC's Parenthood.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Savory Pancakes!

These pancakes have spinach, kale, onions and garlic in them. Matt served them with sliced tomatoes and sliced avocados. MMMMMMMM

Monday, March 28, 2011


I found Snoopy and Buster with their heads pressed into each other. weirdos.

Rough housing!

Des wearing Matt's glasses.

Matt and Ben

Ben took this one. myspace-style

I love this one:

Baby parade: Benjamin, Coraline, and Emma

Des's cake made by Wildflower Vegan Cafe


Thursday, February 24, 2011


We visited Tabby's Place today.

Nuttin was interested in Benjamin. He even gave him a lick!

He enjoyed being pet by Des too!