Sunday, June 26, 2011


I miss riding my bike.

I have been very lazy since I've been pregnant with Des. I have always some excuse as to not exercise. I'm pregnant, I'm sleep deprived, I'm pregnant again, I'm even more sleep deprived. Then the worst excuse: "I deserve this time to watch tv/play the Sims3/surf the web/etc."

Not that I don't deserve to relax and do these things, just that I do do them, a lot. Everyday I tell myself, I'll go outside tomorrow. I'll ride my bike tomorrow. I'll take a walk tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Right now my bike is at our old place. I think Matt might be getting it tomorrow. (tomorrow! haha). But at least my bike will be here. We will have two bicycles locked up outside our apartment.

We have a bike seat for Des on Matt's bike but Benjamin needs to be at least a year old to use a seat like that. I hope next Spring that Matt and I can each take a child and ride bikes as a family together.

Friday, June 17, 2011

LOST: White Rabbit and House of the Rising Sun

Disclaimer: I watched these episodes a few weeks ago so they are not super fresh in my mind.

White Rabbit: Jack sees his dead dad walking around on the island as if he wasn't dead. We find out that Jack's dad died in Australia. Jack had his father's dead body in the coffin on the plane. He finds some wreckage from the plane and his dad's empty coffin.

We see Jack's dad telling Jack not to be brave because Jack doesn't have what it takes. Stuff like this always makes me angry. Stop putting your kids down, crappy parents!

Jack also finds the fresh water in the caves! Yay water!

House of the Rising Sun: When I first started watching LOST, I hated Jin. Thought he was the biggest asshole, and never thought I'd change my mind. But of course there is always a back story.

We see a speeded up version of Sun and Jin's relationship and how Jin changes. Sun goes from wanting to run away with Jin to wanting to run away from him. She comes very close to leaving him but changes her mind right before getting on Flight815.

On the island, Jin beats the shit out of Michael for wearing a watch that Jin was supposed to be bringing to a client of Sun's father. Of course, no one can understand Jin so they have no clue why Jin tried to kill Michael.

Sun talks to Michael in English! Sun speaks English! but shhhh, Jin doesn't know.

Charlie finds his guitar and Locke tells Charlie he knows about his heroin addiction, setting up the next episode.