Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guest Post

Guest post written by Rolf Tate

My sister recently graduated from college and moved in to a house with two roommates. My sister and both of her roommates are just starting out in their careers and cannot afford to spend any extra money right now. She was telling me that one of her roommates did not want to get cable because it was too expensive. My sister however, really still wanted to have cable and she was not sure what to do. I told her to google “direct tv package” to look at all of the packages available and maybe she and her roommates could find one they could agree on. She said that he would try it. I told her that this is probably only one of the few problems that were going to arise with a roommate, but that it was always better to talk about any conflicts than to just let them go. I also told her that if she had to give up something in order to save money, that tv might be something she might not miss too much. I am glad that she is having the experience of living with someone else, as well as learning to budget her money.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We have been buying bags of already popped plain popcorn. I then add nutritional yeast and eat half a bag in one sitting. A few hours later I sit down again. Rinse and repeat. (I don't actually rinse the popcorn but I do finish the bag.)

Yesterday we bought popcorn kernels. I've never made popcorn before so I looked it up online and it was fairly easy. Put oil in pan, get it hot, throw kernels in, cover, shake until they stop popping, take it off the burner.

Then I added salt, nutritional yeast, and garlic. OMG this is the best food ever.

This post sounds like a paid post but it's not. Unless the popcorn took over my brain, which is highly likely.